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Here is a collection of every Blockchain Use Case related Article.

Eliminating Cyber Risks in the Healthcare Sector
The healthcare industry faces a lot of challenges. However, the biggest and most prominent problem in modern healthcare remains cybersecurity.
Since most medical institutions use computers to store patient data, they’re susceptible to cyber threats. The hackers behind these threats deal with valuable data, and this includes patient information. Several entities pay a huge price for health data gotten from people.
One of the leading reasons why cyber threats succeed in the medical industry is because of cybersecurity negligence. The few clinics that include cybersecurity in their budgets allocate just a small portion of the money to it. As a result, detecting privacy breaches take long periods.

Cyber Risk in Healthcare Section â‹… 6 min read
The healthcare industry faces a lot of challenges. However, the biggest and most prominent problem in modern healthcare remains cybersecurity.
Since most medical institutions use computers to store patient data, they’re susceptible to cyber threats. The hackers behind these threats deal with valuable data, and this includes patient information. Several entities pay a huge price for health data gotten from people.
One of the leading reasons why cyber threats succeed in the medical industry is because of cybersecurity negligence. The few clinics that include cybersecurity in their budgets allocate just a small portion of the money to it. As a result, detecting privacy breaches take long periods.

Blockchain Gamification
People have been collecting in a gamified concept for centuries. You find something valuable that you like and you start building your collection. You can collect baseball cards, coins or even Pokemons. The rare collectibles are especially sought after. The rarer it is, the more valuable it is. In the case of collectible cards, for example, there are Commen cards that are printed in high quantities. These are not worth as much because they are very easy to obtain. Cards in smaller editions, on the other hand, are very valuable because they are harder to get

Blockchain Gamification Tutorial â‹… 4 min read
People have been collecting in a gamified concept for centuries. You find something valuable that you like and you start building your collection. You can collect baseball cards, coins or even Pokemons. The rare collectibles are especially sought after. The rarer it is, the more valuable it is. In the case of collectible cards, for example, there are Commen cards that are printed in high quantities. These are not worth as much because they are very easy to obtain. Cards in smaller editions, on the other hand, are very valuable because they are harder to get

Blockchain vs Database: Most Important Difference
Blockchain allows you to perform transactions transparently and unmutable. This is important because there is always the problem of inconsistency with many different people. A reason for this are people who are trying to cheat. But even if we trust the person completely, human errors can happen. Imagine you want to meet someone. It can happen that your watch unknowingly goes wrong. This makes a delay unavoidable. These problems can also arise with central databases.

Blockchain Use Case: Blockchain vs. Database â‹… 5 min read
Blockchain allows you to perform transactions transparently and unmutable. This is important because there is always the problem of inconsistency with many different people. A reason for this are people who are trying to cheat. But even if we trust the person completely, human errors can happen. Imagine you want to meet someone. It can happen that your watch unknowingly goes wrong. This makes a delay unavoidable. These problems can also arise with central databases.

8 Best Blockchain Gaming Use Cases and Industry Changes
Blockchain will change many industries. It is particularly attractive for the gaming industry. We will show you the reason for that. Get to know the best Blockchain gaming use cases. We can use Blockchain to store all kinds of data. Once the information is in the database, nobody can change it. You can display game history, game items or virtual money. With the Blockchain we can give back control to the player.

Blokchain Use Case: Gamblin Industry â‹… 5 min read
Blockchain will change many industries. It is particularly attractive for the gaming industry. We will show you the reason for that. Get to know the best Blockchain gaming use cases. We can use Blockchain to store all kinds of data. Once the information is in the database, nobody can change it. You can display game history, game items or virtual money. With the Blockchain we can give back control to the player.

Blockchain Gambling Industry: Incredible Use Cases
Have you ever asked yourself how Blockchain might change the way we gamble online? Blockchain won’t create a new type of gambling, but it will create a new platform. Customer will be able to get access in a complete new way. We will show you incredible use cases for the Blockchain gambling industry.

Blockchain Use Case: Gambling Industry â‹… 5 min read
Have you ever asked yourself how Blockchain might change the way we gamble online? Blockchain won’t create a new type of gambling, but it will create a new platform. Customer will be able to get access in a complete new way. We will show you incredible use cases for the Blockchain gambling industry.

How Blockchain marketing will be changed forever
Trust is one of the biggest challenges you can face in today’s marketing environment. Blockchain marketing will change the way companies have to market their products. It is especially important when you talk about online marketing and online shops. Customer mostly can not fully trust other parties. As a result, we mostly don’t believe ads on the internet.

Blockchain Use Case: Marketing â‹… 6 min read
Trust is one of the biggest challenges you can face in today’s marketing environment. Blockchain marketing will change the way companies have to market their products. It is especially important when you talk about online marketing and online shops. Customer mostly can not fully trust other parties. As a result, we mostly don’t believe ads on the internet.

How Blockchain will change the food industry / Science-Based
Like other sectors of the economy, transactions in farming supply chains have never fully undergone a digital transformation. World farming is facing numerous challenges but blockchain will be able to change a lot of that. We will show you how Blockchain will change the food industry in the future.

Blockchain Use Case: Food Industry â‹… 6 min read
Like other sectors of the economy, transactions in farming supply chains have never fully undergone a digital transformation. World farming is facing numerous challenges but blockchain will be able to change a lot of that. We will show you how Blockchain will change the food industry in the future.

How Blockchain disrupts the bank industry / Science-Based
The banking industry requires new sources of growth in order to reverse the current downward trend. The greatest disruption of Internet finance for the traditional banking industry lies in enriching apps scenarios and using big data analytics as a base, in order to provide more personalized services to attract more customers. However, a large number of scenarios have already been developed, and innovations in scenario applications are becoming increasingly difficult. Therefore, new growth can only be achieved with new technological breakthroughs.

Blockchain Use Case: Banks â‹… 7 min read
The banking industry requires new sources of growth in order to reverse the current downward trend. The greatest disruption of Internet finance for the traditional banking industry lies in enriching apps scenarios and using big data analytics as a base, in order to provide more personalized services to attract more customers. However, a large number of scenarios have already been developed, and innovations in scenario applications are becoming increasingly difficult. Therefore, new growth can only be achieved with new technological breakthroughs.

Blockchain use case for the energy industry
In this article, we want to show you a Blockchain use case for the energy industry. So imagine the society owns an apartment building. The people of the building co-own the society in proportion to the sizes of their apartments. Thus, this means that a lot of things are shared in the building. For example the stairs, the elevator, the cellar, the washer etc.

Blockchain Use Case: Energy Industry â‹… 6 min read
In this article, we want to show you a Blockchain use case for the energy industry. So imagine the society owns an apartment building. The people of the building co-own the society in proportion to the sizes of their apartments. Thus, this means that a lot of things are shared in the building. For example the stairs, the elevator, the cellar, the washer etc.

Blockchain use cases for the logistics industry / Science-Based
In this article, we want to show you some Blockchain use cases for the logistics industry. The use of blockchain apps will happen in different stages and will require different levels of consensus, as well as regulatory efforts. So processes, capabilities, and infrastructure have to be established in order to implement these apps. As a result, this leads to the question of which blockchain apps offer the best chance to start with.

Blockchain Use Case: Logistics Industry â‹… 5 min read
In this article, we want to show you some Blockchain use cases for the logistics industry. The use of blockchain apps will happen in different stages and will require different levels of consensus, as well as regulatory efforts. So processes, capabilities, and infrastructure have to be established in order to implement these apps. As a result, this leads to the question of which blockchain apps offer the best chance to start with.

How Blockchain will revolutionize the music industry
Blockchain is five to ten years away to mainstream adoption. However, even with the technology in its initial stages of development, for the purposes of avoiding third parties in the music industry, it shows great potential. So there are two main issues in this music industry. One is the lack of access to transactional information. Second is the inefficiencies with the royalty payments. Blockchain can solve both of these issues while keeping transparency throughout the entire chain. So the options for DApps go beyond the traditional business models in the industry, enabling a closer relationship between artists and consumers.

Blockchain Use Case: Music Industry â‹… 5 min read
Blockchain is five to ten years away to mainstream adoption. However, even with the technology in its initial stages of development, for the purposes of avoiding third parties in the music industry, it shows great potential. So there are two main issues in this music industry. One is the lack of access to transactional information. Second is the inefficiencies with the royalty payments. Blockchain can solve both of these issues while keeping transparency throughout the entire chain. So the options for DApps go beyond the traditional business models in the industry, enabling a closer relationship between artists and consumers.

How Blockchain will change the pharma industry
The pharma industry needs a much-needed supply chain system update. So the purpose of the new system is to integrate the features of blockchain technology and add traceability, and security to the drugs supply chain. It also helps to provide visibility to manufacturers and drugs regulatory authority. So Blockchain is the best choice when we need data privacy and data accessibility both at the same time. Thus, every time a product changes hands, the transaction can be documented to create a permanent history of a product, from manufacture to sale. As a result, this will dramatically reduce time delays, costs, and human error that occurs in transactions today.

Blockchain Use Case: Pharma Industry â‹… 5 min read
The pharma industry needs a much-needed supply chain system update. So the purpose of the new system is to integrate the features of blockchain technology and add traceability, and security to the drugs supply chain. It also helps to provide visibility to manufacturers and drugs regulatory authority. So Blockchain is the best choice when we need data privacy and data accessibility both at the same time. Thus, every time a product changes hands, the transaction can be documented to create a permanent history of a product, from manufacture to sale. As a result, this will dramatically reduce time delays, costs, and human error that occurs in transactions today.

How Blockchain changes the telecom industry / Science-Based
For the last couple of years, Blockchain has been the most talked about technology across a range of industries. The telecom industry has also shown huge uptake for Blockchain-based solutions. A lot of use cases for telecom networks are already proposed and proof of concepts solutions are available. Identity management, Smart contract, Internet of Things Security, Mobile data tokens and Initial coin offering are some of the use cases which will be offered by telecom companies in the very near future.

Blockchain Use Case: Telecom Industry â‹… 7 min read
For the last couple of years, Blockchain has been the most talked about technology across a range of industries. The telecom industry has also shown huge uptake for Blockchain-based solutions. A lot of use cases for telecom networks are already proposed and proof of concepts solutions are available. Identity management, Smart contract, Internet of Things Security, Mobile data tokens and Initial coin offering are some of the use cases which will be offered by telecom companies in the very near future.

How Blockchain changes the Tourism Industry / Science-Based
Digitalization is a trend that has heavily impacted the tourism industry. Horwarth HTL, the world’s largest hospitality consulting brand, points out that Blockchain belongs to the megatrends in tourism. They will influence mid- and long-term tourism development. The WEF states in its report on the digital transformation that Blockchain is an enabler of new innovation and disruption of the tourism industry.

Blockchain Use Case: Tourism Industry â‹… 4 min read
Digitalization is a trend that has heavily impacted the tourism industry. Horwarth HTL, the world’s largest hospitality consulting brand, points out that Blockchain belongs to the megatrends in tourism. They will influence mid- and long-term tourism development. The WEF states in its report on the digital transformation that Blockchain is an enabler of new innovation and disruption of the tourism industry.

How Blockchain changes the Healthcare Industry / Science-Based
In this article, we want to show you how Blockchain changes the healthcare industry. The idea to use blockchain in healthcare comes out of the need for security in healthcare. With the evolution of IoT and mobile healthcare Apps, everyone records and transfers a huge amount of medical data every day. We need to manage this data traffic safely.

Blockchain Use Case: Healthcare Industry â‹… 8 min read
In this article, we want to show you how Blockchain changes the healthcare industry. The idea to use blockchain in healthcare comes out of the need for security in healthcare. With the evolution of IoT and mobile healthcare Apps, everyone records and transfers a huge amount of medical data every day. We need to manage this data traffic safely.